New Journal Paper: Bracing for impact: how shifting precipitation extremes may influence physical climate risks in an uncertain future in Scientific Reports by Nature

Jul 2024 - New Journal Paper: Bracing for impact: how shifting precipitation extremes may influence physical climate risks in an uncertain future in Scientific Reports by Nature
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Bracing for Impact: How Shifting Precipitation Extremes may Influence Physical Climate Risks in an Uncertain Future
S.H. Rahat*, A. Poresky, S. Saki, U.K. Choya, I.J. Dollan, A. Wasti, E. Bhuiyan, Y. Miura, J. Kucharski, P. Ray. Nature Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports (2024) 14(1), 1-12.
Traditional 100-year return period models are inadequate due to intensified precipitation from climate change. This study shows high variability in risk across the U.S., with about 53 million people in high-risk zones, potentially doubling or tripling under higher warming. Increased drought frequency affecting 37% of major farmland highlights the need for improved adaptation strategies.